Friday, May 13, 2011

A Conversation with Megan McCafferty

Megan McCafferty, the much-loved author of the Jessica Darling series (Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, Fourth Comings and Perfect Fifths), has a brand-spanking-new dystopian novel! Bumped depicts a future in which almost all people over the age of eighteen are infertile, which has led to a thriving teenage "Surrogette" industry and a wide obsession with young pregnancy. (Yes, it's even bigger than today's.) Meanwhile, divided from the pop culture-laden mainstream society, religious so-called Goodsiders marry their children young in hopes of having as many children within wedlock as possible.

Bumped is the story of identical twins adopted and raised by different groups. Melody has a coveted contract to reproduce for a wealthy couple and is waiting impatiently for her agent to secure a "bumping" partner; Harmony has an assigned husband-to-be and a daily schedule of prayer and labor. When Harmony shows up on Melody's doorstep with little explanation, the two embark on an adventure of clashing cultures, challenged beliefs and, yes, mistaken identity.

I was lucky enough to speak with Megan this week about satire, the future, and what every die-hard fan wants to know: Will there be a Sloppy Firsts movie?